Human Rights
Our Commitment.
Hainfort Associates’ commitment to respecting human rights is embodied in The Hainfort Associates Way, our Operational Excellence Management System and our Business Conduct and Ethics Code.
We believe that although governments have the primary duty to protect and ensure fulfilment of human rights, we have a responsibility to respect human rights and can play a positive role in the communities where we operate. To this end, we commit to respect human rights as set out in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, as well as adhere to the principles set out in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights and the International Finance Corporation’s Performance Standards.
In many countries and communities where we operate, social issues are part of a broader, complex context. This is why the management of human rights issues in Hainfort Associates is based on the totality of our efforts and not on a single activity. Our corporate policies, management processes, community investment programs and participation in voluntary initiatives are complementary and are intended to work together and reinforce our commitment to respecting human rights.
Hainfort Associates’ Human Rights Policy fosters greater awareness of human rights issues throughout the company and enhances our capabilities to identify and manage human rights issues in key areas relevant to our business: employees, security, community, suppliers and contractors, and other business partners.
The policy also does the following:
- Reinforces our existing policies, processes and activities that support our human rights values and commitments, which include specific policies on labour relations, contracting and procurement, operational excellence and security.
- Identifies select requirements for training and operations assessments specific to operating environments where human rights issues may be more prevalent.
- Sets clear accountability for line management to implement the policy and for our commitment to providing management with necessary resources, support and review.
We treat our employees with respect and dignity and promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Our company policies and procedures adhere to all applicable domestic laws and we commit to respecting the ILO core labour principles concerning freedom of association and collective bargaining, non-discrimination, elimination of forced labour and underage workers in the workplace.
We protect personnel and assets and provide a secure environment in which business operations can be successfully conducted. Our guidelines and management processes on security in our areas of operations align with our commitment to the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.
We respect human rights in the following ways:
- Through our social impact management process, which is conducted to identify, analyse and manage social risks and impacts;
- By fostering ongoing, proactive two-way communication with communities and knowledgeable stakeholders;
- Through our contributions to socioeconomic development in the communities where we operate;
- Through our corporate practices, which are consistent with relevant external guidelines;
- Through respecting lawful exercise of legitimate rights by human rights defenders.
Suppliers and Contractors.
We expect our suppliers and contractors to respect human rights, align with applicable international standards and adhere to the spirit and intent of this policy, as well as our statements and guidelines relating to Indigenous Peoples, human rights defenders, land tenure and water. We also engage with our key suppliers to reinforce awareness of potential human rights issues.
Other Business Partners.
We encourage customers and business partners, including those in a joint venture, partnership or collaboration, to respect human rights, adhere to applicable international principles, and respect the spirit and intent of this policy, as well as our statements and guidelines related to indigenous peoples, human rights defenders, land tenure and water.